Origin of “The Shift”

The slow and steady shift, the small changes we  make over time are usually the ones that last long term. It goes against everything we want in our fast paced, instant gratification world but slow and steady really does win the race!

If you’ve been feeling stuck and don’t know where to start because it feels daunting to make even one change right now let me be the one to tell you - it doesn’t have to be one big event, in fact, it’s not supposed to be. 

Somewhere along the way we were sold this idea that it has to be all or nothing in order to be worth it or meaningful.

What a lie!! 

What a way to further overwhelm our already overwhelmed nervous system!

Speaking from experience, and maybe you’ve experienced this too, everything takes time and patience, for anything to change. It can be so irritating, I know, you want to feel better faster, have more energy NOW! not months from now.

Despite what celebs and social media have to say about it. It’s hard work that requires us to put in a little sweat and effort but I promise it’s always worth it.

A quote from the author of one of my favourite books, The Compound Effect, that I read years ago that really shaped how I think about habits.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
― Darren Hardy

The tedious tasks

The slow burn

The mundane repetition 

The barely noticable shifts

{sounds AH-MAZING right?}

Before I lose you lol, can I just tell you that this is not only normal, it’s what you actually need to set your mind on if there’s something that you want to change in your life. 

In an upcoming blog I’ll share how I had to apply this very mindset to my own health journey…

…that took me a good six months to hit my goal. The work was worth it because I felt so good about myself, not just because I met my goal but I was proud of myself for putting in the work and being patient with the process. 

So what does that have to do with the naming of my newsletter and blog. Well this mindset of making  shifts in our habits, routines and approach to hitting a goal really is the foundation of how I approach coaching.

I landed on the name The Shift after a conversation with a good friend of mine. I was  sharing with her all of the things that I've been wanting to do to help other women, like yourself,  make the changes you’ve been wanting to without feeling overwhelmed.  

As we were talking and I was  sharing with her what my ideas were and how I want to help women,  she suggested calling it “The Shift”.

As soon as she said it,
it was a full body YES for me!

It  made so much sense because my whole approach is about making small changes over time from  little shifts in our thinking,  our eating or exercise…whatever it is,  it's all about shifting our lives in the direction we want to go and over time all of those little shifts done consistently over time add up to bigger results

I am so  fortunate and grateful  to have people like this in my life! So,  after a  beautiful sunny morning on the  beach The Shift was born. 

I’m also so grateful to have this opportunity to share this journey with you and hope to connect with you one day soon to support you in yours!

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